Backcountry & Avalanche Safety

The Australian backcountry has inherent dangers that include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Remore area injury;

  2. Slip and fall on icy slopes;

  3. Become lost;

  4. Hypothermia (cold exposure) and

  5. Avalanche.

For newcomers, we recommend you begin your backcountry adventure with experienced and prepared backcountry travellers. You may also consider hiring a qualified and experienced backcountry guide by joining one of our tours. They can teach you the safety basics while guiding you though the mountains.

We also recommend that you have in your party someone with the following skills:

  • Advanced or wilderness first aid;

  • Experienced skills with map and compass (GPS devices can fail);

  • Experience with preparing and using appropriate clothing and general equipment.

In regards to avalanches, the NSW Snowy mountains provides some of the lowest risk avalanche ski touring terrain in the world. However, avalanches in certain locations and under certain snow and weather conditions can and do still occur. We recommend you become familiar with the current weather and snowpack conditions and what dangers to look out for. Again, we also recommend you ski with experienced backcountry skiers or a qualified guide in order to gain a better understanding of the snow pack conditions at any given time. Several providers also offer basic courses in avalanche awareness and you may consider these in addition to travelling with experienced backcountry skiers. We recommend Avalanche Training Australia if you are considering an avalanche course.

Avalanche Safety Equipment Rental. We have a large number of avalanche beacons, shovels and probes, as well as backpacks to store it all in. Please note we will give you a basic lesson in using the beacon and probe but you should still be trained in the use of this equipment in the field, or travel with those that can instruct you in their use.

To reserve rental equipment, please fill out the Request Form and submit it to us and we will get back to you with confirmation.